Rule of Thirds

Imaginary lines are drawn dividing the image into thirds.

1. The most important elements are placed where these lines intersect

In addition to using the intersections, it also helps to use a 2 to 1 ratio (thus dividing the image both horizontally and vertically into thirds) so that nothing is dead center, bad.

Instead, when placing the horizon line of a landscape, or the eye line of a person, use the lower or upper third as an approximate guide.

NEXT: check photoshop project


1. Keep it Simple

You need to put ideas across using images and graphic elements, and too much text on a poster is never a good idea.

2. Use GREAT Fonts, Period!
Do NOT use too many different fonts on a poster – this can have a cluttered final impact.

3. Think Information Consumption

Start the poster with the most vital piece of information, and follow up with statistics of lower priority, which is nothing but plain and simple logic. Place the information in such a manner that the eyes of a viewer follow one piece of information to the other, leading to the lower regions of the poster.