Letterform: Details

Part One
Brainstorming (10pts)
Choose a typeface categories, then choose one style out of that category.
Next draw your initials in uppercase and lowercase form. Lastly, label the type architecture of your drawing (cap height, baseline, x-height and beardline)

Part Two
Letter Architecture (45 pts)
Take two of your letters and draw them large on a 4 x 4 sheet of paper, complete with letter architecture
(cap height, baseline, x-height and beardline)
Next you must name your typeface & classify

Part Three
Letter Design Sketch (10pts)
Take your letters and use them as the focus of your letterr design -
re draw it on cover stock then color using makers

Part Four
Cover Design (50 pts)
Take your letters design and scan it into the computer.

Then in Illustrator copy and repeat.

Then using your skills as an artist create a design by repeating your letter.

Next Print Out In Color


see examples below


Mechanics Check List
Architectural Type points Awarded
Name of font 3
cap height 2
x-height 2
baseline 2
beardline 2
Classification 4
Two Letters 30
Total 45

Aesthetics Check List
Creative Type Points Awarded
Overall letter Design 0-10
Creativity 0-10
Artistic Production 0-10
Effective use of color 0-10
Effective use of typography 0-10
Total 50

Writing Check List
Reflective 4
Quiz 11
Sketches 20 pts each
Total 35

Final Total ________/130 points