CD Part Two

Now you are going to turn your design into a CD cover.
You will be ask to remember to use past techniques you learned to preformed the design effects on the following:

  • Title of CD
  • Artist's Name
  • Sub-Title
  • Photo of Artist

For the Text you will use the same technique you use in the tutorial "type effect"

Step One: Type each word separately & arrange

Step Two: Add flower brush to text

Step Three: Create a new group and add a layer mask.

Step Four: Use one of your new smoke brushes and paint away part of the text

Step One:Download image

Step Two: place in left corner

Step Three: Flip horizontal

Step Four: Mask with the pen tool

Step Five: Add same effect as in Street Art (Image> Adjustments, Effects, etc..)

Step One: Add Text

Step Two: Use Layer Style

Now you have finished add your Digital Signature and Print